Microsoft word remove watermark one page
Microsoft word remove watermark one page

microsoft word remove watermark one page microsoft word remove watermark one page

Create your flyer (and insert your watermark) as you normally would.(The portrait- or landscape-oriented page will be split in half by the setting you chose in step 3.) Set either portrait or landscape orientation, as desired.Using the Multiple Pages drop-down list, choose 2 Pages Per Sheet.The Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box. Make sure the Margins tab is displayed.Before you start to create your flyer, do the following: If you don't want scaling in your output, then there is another approach. What happens at this point is that your two pages are scaled smaller and Word uses landscape orientation to print the two pages, side-by-side, on a single sheet of paper. Using the Pages Per Sheet drop-down list, choose to print two pages per sheet.The watermark should still appear behind this second page, as well. This pastes the flyer content to the new page. With the insertion point after the page break (and therefore on the next page), press Ctrl+V.At the end of the flyer insert a page break.Press Ctrl+A to select the flyer, then press Ctrl+C.Make sure you insert your watermark as desired, and that it appears on the page as you want. Use Word to create a single flyer in portrait orientation.This has provided the best (and easiest) results that we've been able to find: Perhaps the best solution, however, is to simply change how you are creating your flyers. If you don't want to use the table you could instead use two side-by-side text boxes to the same effect. The graphic can be placed behind the text so it appears as a watermark. Modify the attributes of each graphic so that they are sized and positioned where you need them.Īnother option is to not use columns at all but use a single-row, two-column table and place the information (including the watermark graphic) into each of the two cells. You could also simply insert two copies of the watermark graphic into the header area of the page. Then, place the doubled image into Word as a watermark. For instance, you could hop out of Word and into a graphic editing program to "double up" your watermark in that program. There are all sorts of tricks that you can apply to get the watermarks where you want. He wonders if there is a way to get the watermark on each flyer like he needs. Gerald would like a watermark to appear on each of the two flyers, but Word insists on centering the watermark on the entire page instead of centering it in each column. The page is in landscape orientation, and he's configured the page to have two columns so that he can create two flyers on the same page. NOTE: If you are in the Watermark dialog box, you can remove the watermark by clicking in No Watermark at the top.Gerald is creating some flyers in Word. Click on the Watermark icon (Design tab | Page Background group).The selected watermark is inserted only on a single page. Right-click on any watermark in the watermark gallery and choose, Insert at current document position.On the Design tab, in the Page Background group, choose Watermark.Place your cursor on the page that needs the watermark.You can add an image or a text watermark such as Confidential to a single page in a document: See this Microsoft web page for excellent steps for each: Microsoft support for section breaks in Word If you are not familiar with the details of section breaks, they can vary with the different versions of Word. Choose the type of section break you want:.Click the Layout tab, and in the Page Setup group, choose Breaks.There are several choices when creating a section break but they are all located in the same drop down list:

microsoft word remove watermark one page

Select a watermark from the displayed gallery or create a custom watermark (covered in previous blog, link below).On the Design tab, in the Page Background group, choose Watermark.Place the cursor on the page (after the section break) where you want the watermark to appear:* Sections are linked by default so you need to unlink them, before inserting the watermark or sections will automatically copy each other. You can then apply a watermark only to that section. If you want different headers or footers, margins or layout for one or more of the pages, the trick is to create section break(s)Īdd a watermark only to particular pages by creating a section break. This applies the same page layout, margins etc., across the board. For steps to display a text or image watermark on all pages, see the link to a previous blog for watermarks below.īy default, Word documents are all in the same section (Section 1), regardless of the number of pages you create. The steps below will accomplish both these tasks. A Watermark is inserted on all pages by default but sometimes you want it only on selected pages or only on one page.

Microsoft word remove watermark one page